About Us
Lumber Store is a division of CarlWood Lumber Limited. CarlWood is a family owned lumber manufacturing company situated in Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada.
Since 1984, CarlWood Lumber has been a supplier of high-quality BC hardwoods (Red Alder, Pacific Coast Maple, and Western White Birch) and softwoods (Yellow Cedar, Western Hemlock, Western Red Cedar, and Douglas Fir) to wholesale distributors across Canada and the United States, as well as Japan, China, Europe, and Scandinavia. Read more about the history of CarlWood by clicking here.
That is Timber Toby, our shop dog and head of security, in the picture. Toby is a 3 year old rescue from Mexico. He is happy to help you load your truck any time!
Industrial Timber Products
In addition to Lumber Store, CarlWood, through its Industrial Timber Products division, is Western Canada’s largest manufacturer of Crane Mats, Swamp Mats, and Timber Stop Logs which are available on IndustrialTimberProducts.com.